Month: January 2018

Winston at home

Well, we knew it would happen. Winston has totally drawn his new family into the Norwich Terrier world. He says look what a great place I have. First there’s this wonderful deck that is mine. Yes, its all mine. But wait, when its too cold outside I get my own sweater and in a very manful manner check here and there about the parameter for those that may skulk about. I see you! I have a wonderful new family and none shall pass here without my knowledge.

Toby off to a new home

Well, the time has come. Toby, now he who is called Winston, is off to a new forever home. Bruce and Winston hit it off immediately, best of buds. There may be some of who’s the boss role settling even though Bruce says he runs “a tight ship” but we saw the twinkle there in Mr. Winston. Bruce has now been assimilated into the Norwich Terrier family and Winston approved to the new life style that would soon follow. So a new pic of Winston in is new home saying yup, I see that and it’s mine, for your viewing pleasure…

Winston claiming his new home!