Month: February 2016

Puppies older, loosing the puppy coat.

So the pups are a bit older here, in their playpen at home. You can see them with the dark puppy coat then after grooming, stripping, the puppy coat. Pretty darn cute.

New Puppies are here!

These are a bit late making it onto our site but thought y’all would like to see a history. Here’s the new pups born in August. Penny’s singleton on Aug 20th and Bailey’s four on August 22nd 2015. Cursor over for captions or click for enlarged show.

Puppies on the way

We are late getting this up, just started the web site. Thought we would give a little history/timeline on this litter. So, July/August of 2015. Puppies are on the way! Ultrasound shows them, here’s dad. Bailey is one of the moms.

The dad. Robbie, wining Group1

The dad. Robbie, wining Group1

Babies in there

Babies in there


Bailey, pretty pregnant

Our tales

We named the page tails but really its Tales of our Norwich adventures.

Coming soon, more tails…

A bit behind, some catching up to do so some of these actually happened before the posted date. Hope you enjoy.