Everyone loves pictures, so here’s our show off gallery of our grown up Norwich Terriers.
Penny Show
Penny wins BOS and GCH
Penny wins TKC Major
Penny wins a Major
Penny wins Special BOS
Penny wins BOS
Penny wins her Champion
Bailey Show
Bailey wins Champion
Bailey watching the show
Bailey on the table
Bailey wins BOS and a Major
Gabby Show
Gabby on the Table
Gabby Striding
Gabby Watching
Gabby Stacked on the floor
Gabby Grand Champion
Ruffles Show
Little Ruffles dressed up on the Table
Ruffles Best of Winners
Ruffles Standing
Ruffles Looking Back
Ruffles Best of Breed
Chance Show
Chance’s first Major
Chance a Week Old
Chance on the floor
Chance next to dad after a hard play time
Chance striding
Chance coming at you
Suzie Show
Suzie is in there somewhere
Suzie getting made up
Suzie and her Toy
Suzie Best of Breed
Suzie Champion
Suzie in the Stride
More to Come…
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