Well, the time has come. Toby, now he who is called Winston, is off to a new forever home. Bruce and Winston hit it off immediately, best of buds. There may be some of who’s the boss role settling even though Bruce says he runs “a tight ship” but we saw the twinkle there in Mr. Winston. Bruce has now been assimilated into the Norwich Terrier family and Winston approved to the new life style that would soon follow. So a new pic of Winston in is new home saying yup, I see that and it’s mine, for your viewing pleasure…
Author: tkelley (Page 2 of 4)
So it was pointed out that its been some time since we had pictures of the latest Norwich babies. So we took them out of their little play area gave it a go. Well… that was impossible. They decided it was terrier time, not picture time. Attack this, attack that. Run over to get a couple of pets then off again. How can this be you might ask. So some pics of them with the puppy agility equipment. Over the dog walk they go. Then one says wait, look what I can do. I can go under it to.
- Norwich puppies working agility.
So we put them back in their play pen and tried there for some beauty shots. Well…
Toby on the right, Tami on the left.
Toby on the left, Tami on the right.
After that is was… Fine we will just go take a nap.
Well, they are coming up on 6 weeks and doing well. Both are motoring around their pen and keeping mom busy. We have started them on gruel which is ground up wet puppy food and they like that stuff. Mom still feeds them some but has started warning them off. Sharp little teeth are coming out. So they day is pretty much sleep, eat, play and watch Tom and Jerry on the TV. We figure with all the sounds that come from the cartoon channel, what a great way to get them sort of socialized. Besides, we think they like Scooby Doo. So, here are the Lilboy and Lilgirl still in their puppy fur.
Yup, Norwich Terrier Puppies. Bailey’s little man and girl less than a week old. She is very proud, keeps them very clean and takes great care of them. Born on 08/05 they are doing really well. We set up a bassinet, covered, with a heating pad to keep them nice and toasty in there. Also keep a video camera going so we can keep an eye on everyone. We snapped the below picture from the camera in night vision since it was a little on the dark side there. The babies were going for the gusto. They are of course mostly black being Norwich puppies but that will change when that puppy coat comes out. We can hear them squealing when its bath time which happens a lot. So here’s the pics…
We waited until we received the official picture to announce that our little Norwich Terrier Alegria K D Bar the Door won her Champion title. She was very proud coming up under a year old I am sure. Thanks to Judi and PW for showing and taking such good care of her.
KD is a very happy girl, that tail of hers is always wagging and she greets everyone with gusto. She may be a little rotten also, but well loved. Right now, she runs about the house and yard wreaking havoc with the others. Well, so she thinks. Afterwards, its onto a lap, time for a nap. So without further delay, here’s that picture.
The Gateway Dog Show at Purina Farms was held June 1 – 5. Unfortunately we were not able to go, Bailey was in heat so that meant breeding in Houston. Bailey got to meet Andy and his human, Deb and what a cute boy he is. I think I saw her making eyes at him. We will see around July 1st if we have any puppies.
But our KD went to the show with Judi and PW and she was wonderful. She decided to show everyone what a special little girl she is a 8 months old and won Winners Bitch one day, Best of Opposite Sex another day and Best Of Breed another. Judi tells us that KD really didn’t care for the picture taking and by the last day decided she just wasn’t going to stand on that short table again. So she had to be held for that final picture. Still looked pretty cute. So here are a few pictures of Alegria KD Bar the Door for y’all.
Well, it has happened. Our little Norwich Terrier, Poptart, left for his new forever home today. After many phone calls and discussions, Ken flew in and met Poptart. Both took to each other right off the bat and a new family was started. We are looking forward to hearing the many terrier tales and adventures to come with Ken, Lynn and Poptart. By the way, he did show Ken what a little terrier man he was when a big dog dared to come to close. Ha, nothing on him! So here he is, Poptart with his new dad.
It’s Norwich Terrier NEWS: Samson, now Tucker, has left for his new forever home! Ron, Laura and MacKenzie decided they just couldn’t leave without him after everyone got to hold him. And of course, he just snuggled right in, winning their hearts. Really, just look at that face of his.
We hear he had a great ride home, slept well over night and was very good getting up this morning. What a goooood boy. We will miss him but know he has gone to a wonderful home full of love. We look forward to hearing more stories about Tucker and his new family. After all, that’s what it is all about.
We love getting stories about the kids that have gone to new homes so here’s one. Grady gets to go to work with his mom, Shirley, and everyone at the office loves him. The routine is when they get there, Grady walks around a visits everyone in order. Once he has greeted everyone he returns to Shirley’s office, steps into his sherpa and takes a nap while mom works. After all it is a lot of work greeting everyone in the morning and getting the appropriate responses. Sometimes he even gets to go to meetings with mom. In he goes with his sherpa of course and, well, meetings aren’t that exciting so he takes a nap after making sure everyone is there.
We also heard he makes the mail run with mom. He walks with her and sits in his spot while she gets the mail out of the box. Then he gets his piece of mail to carry back to the house. Once there, he deposits it on the floor very pleased with himself. What a good life of a Norwich Terrier, Grady, and mom, Shirley.
So we began a new chapter with our girls Bailey and Penny. We decided we would give Canine Agility a try and what fun it is. We have just started so both the girls and us are learning. We started with Sport Dog Foundation Training which basically teaches us to work as partners. Then this last weekend we had our first agility session and what a blast it was.
We found a wonderful instructor, Beth, who is the owner of Dogjoytraining in Bryan Tx. After researching places we really liked her positive, take baby steps, work as a partner with your dog approach. That first agility lesson was so much fun though we are not sure who worked harder, the girls or us. Below is a picture of Bailey learning that she can go over the the A frame with Beth cheering her on. It was really funny watching her figure out she wouldn’t fall of the end of the top and could go down the other side. Her terrier brain just exploded with excitement when she made it. She didn’t know what to do with herself. What fun!!!
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